Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bahá'í Faith

Bahá'í Faith is a religion founded in Iran, where Bahá'ís are often persecuted, and founded by Bahá'u'lláh. What are my thoughts about it?

Let's read the Aqdas!

THE GOOD PARTS(at least in my opinion):
'O members of parliaments throughout the world! Select ye a single language for the use of all on earth, and adopt ye likewise a common script. '
--- Aqdas 189a

'It hath been forbidden you to smoke opium.'
--- Aqdas 190a

THE BAD PARTS(at least in my opinion):
'Should anyone intentionally destroy a house by fire, him also shall ye burn; should anyone deliberately take another's life, him also shall ye put to death.'
--- Aqdas 62a

'None must contend with those who wield authority over the people; leave unto them that which is theirs, and direct your attention to men's hearts.'
--- Aqdas 95
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bahá'í Faith

Bahá'í Faith is a religion founded in Iran, where Bahá'ís are often persecuted, and founded by Bahá'u'lláh. What are my thoughts about it?

Let's read the Aqdas!

THE GOOD PARTS(at least in my opinion):
'O members of parliaments throughout the world! Select ye a single language for the use of all on earth, and adopt ye likewise a common script. '
--- Aqdas 189a

'It hath been forbidden you to smoke opium.'
--- Aqdas 190a

THE BAD PARTS(at least in my opinion):
'Should anyone intentionally destroy a house by fire, him also shall ye burn; should anyone deliberately take another's life, him also shall ye put to death.'
--- Aqdas 62a

'None must contend with those who wield authority over the people; leave unto them that which is theirs, and direct your attention to men's hearts.'
--- Aqdas 95


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